Recent Email From the Mouse

What follows is an email from the Drunken Mouse, sent yesterday and still amusing me today: Had a few drinks last night and you were a momentary topic of conversation: OVERHEARD ABOUT JEN HUBLEY IN NEW YORK Drunk 1: So your friend Jen… Drunken Mouse: Yeah? Drunk 1: She is a good drinker. Drunken Mouse: ThatContinueContinue reading “Recent Email From the Mouse”

Economic Indicator: Booze Consumption Goes up

Lily: Do you use twitter? I’ve been told that if I don’t, I can’t call myself a modern woman. Which is funny, because there’s not much I would rather NOT be.Me: Oh, I don’t think that’s true. I thought cigarettes were supposed to make us modern women. Or wait – was it loneliness? I forgetContinueContinue reading “Economic Indicator: Booze Consumption Goes up”

Even More Random Than Usual

My weekend, in bullet form:I did my taxes. I’m actually getting money back, which never happens. I’m not sure why. Everyone else I know takes their refunds and buys a small Caribbean island with them. I went to three birthday parties. I will definitely need that tax refund now. There were a lot of cabs.ContinueContinue reading “Even More Random Than Usual”

Back in the Day, It Just Went Without Saying at All

Sometimes, New York knows I’m falling out of love, and then she pulls out all the stops.Tonight, I went to a show, which I never do, and then I went out for drinks, which I do too often. A boy talked to me. He was much too young. I made him play a game. It’sContinueContinue reading “Back in the Day, It Just Went Without Saying at All”

Return of the Mouse

The Mouse has a lady, so he’s much better behaved these days. Still, you can’t treat a drunken mouse sober tricks, or something, so it wasn’t really a total surprise when we found ourselves out late on a school night, lurching toward a diner and singing while the Mouse kicked over trashcans.”Hey,” I said, afterContinueContinue reading “Return of the Mouse”